Thursday, 21 April 2016

How to get rid of household pests in Bangalore?

Pest control Services in Bangalore
No one can say no to food, especially the pests present across Bangalore households. From ants and flies to mice and other such critters, the smell of morsels that get left behind signals the start of a food party for household pests. It’s no doubt a nuisance and may require help. But before you place that call and engage the services of a pest control company, here’s what you can do:



Dear Bangalore, household pests often start a food party with leftover food and smell of morsels but this can be controlled with good pest control.
One of the most popular of household pests in Bangalore, house flies love to swarm around leftovers that you leave in the open, especially foods like meat and old fruits. Before you let this insect get the better of you, and cause you to get pest control services, these very simple measures can help you to keep any problem that they may pose at bay. Garbage bins and compost containers are the favorite haunt of these household pests, so you should never keep them open. Additionally, always wash your dirty dishes right after eating so that you have a fly-free home.


Fruit flies

Dear Bangalore, household pests often start a food party with leftover food and smell of morsels but this can be controlled with good pest control.
A female fruit fly can lay about 500 eggs in her lifetime
Among the list of problems that Bangalore may face with household pests, fruit flies hovering over ripe fruits can be quite an annoyance. Nonetheless, you can say goodbye to these flying insects by putting fruits in the fridge or in tight sealed containers. Furthermore, you may also want to keep the lids of garbage bins closed as well as wash the dirty dishes as soon as possible.


Dear Bangalore, household pests often start a food party with leftover food and smell of morsels but this can be controlled with good pest control.
There are over 12000 species of ants worldwide
The first thought that may cross your mind when you see a long line of ants crawling about is to call for professional pest control services. While the Bangalore winters may see them hibernating, hot summer months may see them knee-deep in action. But you can very easily beat these creatures and the answer is always keep your foods in the ubiquitous food storage bags and don’t forget to clean up your dishes as soon as you’re done with lunch or dinner.


Dear Bangalore, household pests often start a food party with leftover food and smell of morsels but this can be controlled with good pest control.
Mice can jump over a distance of 3-4 meters without injuring themselves
Having household pests like mice inside your sanctum sanctorum can be quite a scary situation and if not tackled in time, it can lead to serious damages. From nibbling through your grain bags to scavenging for food and drink left in the garbage bin, mice can do this and much more. You can easily prevent the problem by keeping food in containers.

Exterminators for Household Pests


Do share with us your insights on how best to fight these pesky insects and rodents from Bangalore in the comments section. Or, if you want expert advice & serious help, don’t hesitate to call Mr. Homecare 🙂

5 pesky AC problems Delhi may face this summer

AC problems Delhi 
5 pesky AC problems Delhi may face this summer
The summer’s already looming its fiery head over our beloved Delhi. In times like these, the air conditioner becomes our best friend. But that is also why the machines tend to get over-worked, and start breaking down just when you need them the most. Are we really prepared to tackle AC problems in the middle of a summer?

It is important to pay attention to indications that your AC problems are real, so that you can get it fixed before the problem gets too serious (and expensive to repair!). Lucky for you, we have outlined the 5 most common AC problems you should look out for, along with their possible causes. Trust us, keep your eyes and ears open, and your home will be a chill pad all through the Delhi summer!

Pesky Problem #1: Your AC refuses to come on


This generally means that your thermostat is set improperly or simply isn’t working. If resetting your thermostat to ‘AC’ or ‘cool’ doesn’t do the trick, it may be time to replace your thermostat all together.

It could also be because your AC fuse has tripped, even when everything else in your home is working fine. So you should check your circuit box as well to make sure it’s switched on.

In the worst case scenario, you might be suffering from a burnt out compressor, which could happen due to frequent on-off of the AC, voltage fluctuation or dust contamination. In such a case, your only choice is to replace the equipment altogether.

Pesky Problem #2: Your AC just isn’t cooling like it used to


Not feeling as comfortable as you like? Apart from Delhi summers being ruthless this year, this is also indicative of an airflow problem, which in turn hinders your AC’s cooling capacity. If it’s been a while since you got your filters changed, they may be clogged with dust, dirt, or even pet fur. In short, it’s time to change your filter.

The problem could also be on the outside, where debris or branches may be obstructing the air flow of your condenser. Worse still, there might be a mistake in your unit’s installation, with not enough clearance area left around the unit. You need to ensure there is at least 24 inches on the sides and 5 feet on top of the unit.

If your airflow is all clear, then the problem is mostly likely in your refrigerant, as that is the fluid that helps your AC create cool air. The lines might not be properly insulated with copper sleeves, or in need a re-charge, or suffering from a leakage.

Pesky Problem #3: Your AC is a leaky mess


A leaky AC is generally a sign of the drain line being clogged or disconnected, which causes the water collected from condensation to not flow out effectively and leak from the sides.

Improper AC installation is another common reason for leakage. If the unit is too low at front, then the condensed water leaks from the front rather than dripping from the rear end. Or if it is not properly sealed, warm air from outside gushes inside the unit and causes excess moisture to build up and eventually from the unit.

Pesky Problem #4: Your AC is a loud mouth


If your air conditioner makes strange noises every time it starts up or winds down, this can be nothing more troublesome than a loose screw. Once it’s tightened, the noise will vanish. However, the bad news is that it could be a burnt blower motor or bent fan blade that is causing all the racket.

Pesky Problem #5: Your AC doesn’t know when to stop cooling


The placement of your thermostat determines how long your air conditioner runs, and ultimately, the efficiency of your unit. If the thermostat is in direct sunlight, or near any hot equipment, it may continue running even after your AC has done its job. This not only overworks your unit, but also sends your cooling costs through the roof.

Get your AC the professional help it needs!


We hope you find this guide handy in spotting these pesky problems as they happen. It is important that you call for professional assistance in time, or better still, set up regular servicing checks that prevent such occurrences from cropping up.

We at Mr. Homecare are happy to make your ACs our best friends with our one-time servicing facilities and quarterly servicing packages available in any part of Delhi.  Click here to read more about how we can help you stay cool through the unforgivable Delhi summers.

6 health problems caused by pets Bangalore should know about

6 health problems caused by pets Bangalore should know about
           Group of cats and dogs
Bangalore! We’re sure your pets are adorable, little furballs who are beloved, important members of your family. They are, after all, a big source of comfort and companionship, and even known to improve overall well-being by increasing oxytocin levels. But are you aware of the health problems caused by pets?

The truth is that they can also be potential health hazards that could be putting your family at risk of serious illnesses. To help you see how, we’ve made a list of the 6 most common ways in which your pets could be bringing infections into your home in Bangalore. Scroll on to know how to identify and tackle these problems at the earliest, and keep your family fit and fine, including the four-legged members!

Pet Feces

Anyone owning a pet will need to engage with feces at some point or the other. If all traces of it are not cleaned regularly and effectively, it could lead to some serious infections you’d rather not catch.
Campylobateriosis is one infection that can be contracted by exposure to feces of an infected animal, most common in puppies and kittens younger than 6 months. People with weak immune systems, young children and the elderly are most at risk, with typical symptoms being diarrhea and fever.
Toxoplasmosis can be contracted by coming into contact with any cat feces, as all felines are carriers of it. Pregnant women should be doubly careful in handling their cat’s litter, as it could cause birth defects in unborn children or even trigger a miscarriage.

Pet Urine

Whenever you get that distinct stench of urine in your home, you know your pet is the guilty one. But did you know about how it could be impacting your respiratory system due to its ammonia content? It can lead to severe burning of the nose, throat, respiratory tract and lungs.
While we might wipe it up immediately, it can still find its way deep into furniture, carpets, and bed sheets. That’s why it’s imperative to get rid of every trace of it, also so that your pet doesn’t soil the same spot again. If you or your family members suffer from allergies, asthma, or other conditions like migraines, this should be top priority as they are especially susceptible to the risks associated with ammonia inhalation.

Pet fur and dander

If you are prone to allergies, time to sit up! Pet fur is one of the biggest causes of respiratory allergies and bronchial asthma to act up. But did you know that the even bigger offender is pet dander- the tiny, microscopic, flecks of skin shed by pets of all kinds. Whether short-haired, long-haired, or hairless, all pets shed dander, which easily stick to furniture, bedding, and fabrics in your home due to their minute size and jagged shape.

This needs to get taken care of at the root level, as they can lead to upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms including congestion, sneezing, runny nose, chest tightness and wheezing. Other symptoms are itching, watery eyes, and eczema or rashes.

Ticks and Fleas

The most obvious culprits! Pets that spend time in the garden, outside near trees may come back infected with ticks and fleas. Apart from impairing your pet’s health, they can also cause you serious problems.

Lyme disease tops the list in that regard- a hard to detect illness that can spread to humans if the ticks bite them. It causes long-term problems, such as irregular heartbeat, arthritis and impaired brain function. Infants, again, are most susceptible to this.
Another thing to watch out for with kids is the chances of them accidentally swallowing a flea, which can pass on dangerous bacteria like tapeworm larvae to the child.

Pet Food

This might come as a surprise to some, but leftover pet food can be a cause of serious health issues. Dry pet food may carry salmonella, a nausea-inducing bacteria that can infect the small intestines.
So if it is lying around, there is a chance of children picking it up and nibbling at it, thereby picking up the infection as well. So the next time you see some pet food lying around, get rid of it immediately.

It’s time for a deep clean!

Taking care of these common problems can prevent your beloved pets from becoming a health hazard for your family. You must maintain utmost hygiene at all times, to get rid of all those microscopic germs, allergens and pests that might remain even after your regular cleaning routine.

We at Mr. Homecare are equipped with the necessary equipment, products, and know-how to avoid all health problems caused by pets. Click here to read more about how we can help. We’re ready to come to any part of Bangalore to make your home a safe haven for you, your family, and your furry friends!

Delhi! Your definitive checklist for your next home painting job is here!

home painting job in delhi
    home painting services in delhi
A fresh coat of paint does wonders for your home, and can usher a new sense of freshness. But if things go wrong, it can do the exact opposite. Often times, your local Delhi painters tend to overlook certain basics which could leave you with a poorly finished home painting session.
To help you stay out of such a pickle, we have put together a definitive checklist of things to keep in mind during your next paint job. Keep this guide handy for the next time the painters come in, and it will be all you need to ensure that the walls of your home get the makeover they truly deserve.

Test the color

One of the biggest painting mistakes happens even before you start- basing your paint color choice on color chips. We’ve all done it. You pick out a nice color from the strip at the store and order your paint. But when it’s applied on the walls of your home, it doesn’t look like the color you picked out at all!
So make sure you get the painters to sample the shade of your choice before painting the whole wall. Remember to check it in both natural and artificial light, during the day and at night.

Ensure that the paint is washable

Choosing your paint wisely is the next big thing on the list. Many contractors in Delhi tend to provide you with non-washable paints on the pretext of giving you a cheap deal. Over time, when your walls get marked with stains and smudges, this kind of paint makes it impossible to clean up the mess as it gets damaged with water.
So it is best to ensure that you ask for washable paints to be used, so that it is easier to maintain your walls over the years.

Make sure the paint is pure

Local painters in Delhi often mix good quality labeled paints with cheaper variants and offer them at a lower cost. These paints are not water resistant, and lose most of their qualities in the mixing process, making your house walls look dull. Keep a sharp eye out for such behavior, and check to ensure your painter is only using freshly packed branded paint.

Choose your paint basis your local weather

If you live near the beach, the moisture in the air tends to adversely affect the home painting session by giving rise to moss and mold. In such a scenario, using a delicate paint is a big no-no as it can accelerate the damage. While humidity should not be much of a concern in Delhi, a little information always helps 🙂
We recommend that you only use thicker paints that will last longer in your local weather.

Cover everything

It is very common in Delhi that local painters don’t take precautionary measures to cover your home adequately before starting the job. This leaves you with unnecessary splatters and splotches of paint to deal with once the job is done.
It is up to you to ensure that they cover everything in sight with thin plastic or drop cloths. Remember to not miss doorknobs, light fixtures, and anything else in the room.

Get your walls cleaned

It is imperative to get your walls washed before the home painting is done, because paint looks and stays on better when applied to a clean surface. Even minute particles of dust can interfere with best results.
So even if you walls may look clean, you need to ensure that they get washed properly before the paint is applied.

Use Primer

Using a primer before applying the first coat of paint is a must do. It not only gives your paint a sound surface to adhere to, but also improves the look of the fresh shade. Primer is especially important if you are painting over a different, darker color or if there are stains on the wall. So make sure this crucial step is not missed.

Don’t leave the lid off

Might sound very basic, but leaving the lid off of the paint is a common mistake painters make. The most obvious problem with this is that someone is bound to step on the lid and track paint all over. In the dry weather of Delhi, the paint would get ruined faster than expected.
So when you are supervising the job, make sure that they don’t the lid off at any times. It will also keep the paint from getting dirty, or prevent dried-out paint crud from forming in the can or on the lid.

Paint in bright light

Doing a paint job in dim light is the biggest home painting faux pas. The painted surface may look fine at first, but when you uncover the windows to let in natural light or turn on bright lights, you’re likely to see thin patches and other imperfections. So always make sure your painters have lots of bright light for a perfect job.

Time to call in the home painting professionals!

We hope this checklist helps you be more prepared for your next home painting. These are the basics that you need to keep in mind to make sure you get a quality paint job for your homes.
Or better still – you could hire a professional home painting service like Mr. Homecare. We have a team of qualified interior painters in Delhi who are equipped with the skills, tools, and passion to make your walls as good as new. Click here to know more about how we can help your transform your home with the magic of colors.

Dear Bangalore, here’s 7 reasons why your home cleaning routines might be failing you

home cleaning services in bangalore
home cleaning services in bangalore
We know that you Bangalore folks really love to keep your home clean. You have extensive home cleaning routines and rituals to keep it spic and span not just for your family and guests, and also for your own personal satisfaction. Which explains why the city is way cleaner as compared to others. But what if we told you that your regular routine is simply not enough?

Don’t hate us; we’re sure you do a great job! But how much ever effort you put to cover all bases, dust and germs are extremely sneaky creatures who find ways to settle in hard-to-reach corners of your home. To help you uncover all these secret hideouts, we have listed the 7 ways in which your regular home cleaning routine might be failing you. Tackle these problem areas, and you will be on your way to a truly sparkling clean home.

Items that are out of sight, out of mind

There are several nooks and crannies which get missed in your regular home cleaning routine simply because they are out of sight. The usual culprits include areas behind furniture, AC vents, and the tops of refrigerators, closets and doors. As these spots remain relatively untouched through time, they get severely accumulated with dirt, dust, pet hair, cobwebs, and all sorts of unpleasant gunk.

Items in clear sight, and yet out of mind!

Light switches, appliance controls, refrigerator handles, TV remotes, door knobs- these are some of the most frequently touched areas in your homes. But more often than not, they are skipped as we don’t realize how dirty they are. Most people go months or even years before giving these items a thorough cleaning, making them an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and germs.

Your mattress

You might be having more company than you think when you go to bed at night. Mattresses tend to be infested with dust mites- microscopic spiders that feed on the dead skin cells that you shed everyday. Even if you dust your bed regularly and change the sheets, these creatures thrive in warm, humid climates like ours and make your mattress their home. They can cause allergic reactions, infections, eczema, and wheezing problems. Bed bugs are another common problem. These pests hide deep in your mattress and leave red bites all over your skin.

Your curtains

Believe it or not, your curtains could be harbouring allergens, pet dander and dust mites. These microscopic pollutants tend to last even through a wash. If you don’t seek professional help to get your curtains steam cleaned, they can set off regular attacks of sneezing, asthma and allergies.

Your refrigerator

Most of you make it a point to maintain utmost hygiene in your kitchens, as that is where your food comes from. But sometimes, the place where you store your food the longest is not cleaned enough- the refrigerator. Starting with the insides, small spills or exposed food tend to spoil and harbour huge amounts of dangerous bacteria. Your refrigerator’s condenser coil is another ignored part, which can also lead to inefficient functioning due to the accumulated dust.

Your bathrooms

There are some parts of your bathroom that always get missed like cabinet knobs, toilet handles and faucets. Shower curtains tend to be the dirtiest due to the accumulated grime and soap scum, with a high chance of mould and fungus proliferating in the moisture-ridden environment. Finally, tile grouts pose a huge challenge as regular cleaning agents don’t have the strength to remove hard water and chlorine stains.

Your curtains and sofas

Are you snuggled into your sofa with your feet resting on your carpet? Chances are that you are sitting amidst tons of dust, grime and residue that has settled deep into your carpets and sofas. These don’t get out with a regular dusting, and generally requires a hot water extraction and steam cleaning to remove all the junk from the core.

Time to upgrade your home cleaning routine!

We hope you found this post enlightening in terms of what’s getting missed from your regular cleaning routine. Your everyday cleaning agents, tools, and techniques are not enough to make your home as clean as you would like it to be. To get a truly finished job, you need to treat your homes to a deep cleaning service.

At Mr. Homecare, we offer deep cleaning services that fill up all the gaps of your regular home cleaning routine. Click here to read more about what we offer, and why not join our multiple, happy Bangalore patrons and gift yourselves the sparkling clean homes you truly deserve!

4 tips to choose pest control service in Delhi

Pest Control Services in Delhi
Pest Control Services in Delhi
Pests like termites, fleas, cockroaches, ants etc. are a bugging issue in most Delhi households. They can not only affect your daily life by causing nuisance around your house, but also have the potential to seriously damage your life and property. Therefore, choosing the right pest control service in Delhi is essential.

Damage to life can be in the terms of fatal insect bites and stings, diseases spread by pests etc. whereas damage to property can be in the terms of destruction of your lawn, wall damage etc. Since pests are of so many varieties, it may not be possible for you to know and identify all types of pests and the ways to eliminate them.

Therefore, the services of a professional pest exterminator are a must when it comes to dealing with the pests in your household. However, the mere decision to hire a professional expert won’t do you any good unless you hire the pest services of a well trained and experienced exterminator from a reputed pest control company. Here are 4 factors that you should consider before you choose your pest control exterminator.


Scheduling pest control service in Delhi and choosing the right service provider is an equally important task. Mr. Homecare helps you make a decision.
Choose your pest control exterminator carefully.
You should choose the pest control service in Delhi for dealing with your pest problems from an efficient company whose services are reliable and effective. Integrated pest management is an elaborate process and it requires good knowledge on the part of the exterminator regarding issues like sanitation, pest management products, pest management techniques etc. An exterminator with a superficial knowledge about pesticides won’t be able to provide you with effective service, therefore choose wisely when it comes to a suitable pest control company that matches your needs and requirements.


Scheduling pest control service in Delhi and choosing the right service provider is an equally important task. Mr. Homecare helps you make a decision.
A company that has good experience in the field of pest control will naturally be a better choice.
The experience of the pest control service in Delhi is an important factor to consider before you choose your pest control exterminator. Try going for an exterminator who has a prior experience in your pest problem. This ensures use of good skill and technique, thus making sure that your pest problems are treated more efficiently and effectively.

Customer service

Scheduling pest control service in Delhi and choosing the right service provider is an equally important task. Mr. Homecare helps you make a decision.
Companies that are willing to provide responsible customer service are always a better option.
Another important factor to consider while choosing your pest control exterminator is the kind of customer service that he and his company provide. Choose an exterminator who is willing to discuss in details your pest problems and the kind of solutions you are looking for instead of straight away opting for the conventional means. For every family, the chemical sensitivity of the various members of the household is different so your pest control exterminator should take into consideration organic alternatives for pest control depending on your preferences. Choose exterminators who are experienced and know how to provide maximum customer satisfaction.

Contract with a Pest Control Service in Delhi

Scheduling pest control service in Delhi and choosing the right service provider is an equally important task. Mr. Homecare helps you make a decision.
Read the contract details carefully before opting for a pest control service.
Check out the various terms and conditions of the contract carefully before you choose a particular pest control exterminator. This is important in order to ensure the reliability of the company and the kind of the service it provides. Also, the contract will help you gain knowledge about the pricing trends of the company, which is an equally important factor while choosing a company’s pest control service.

For more information on the factors that should be considered before choosing a pest control service in Delhi or to seek professional help from experienced exterminators, reach out to us at Mr. Homecare 🙂

Monday, 4 April 2016

7 reasons why your regular home cleaning routine is failing you

We know you love to keep your home cleaning services. You have extensive cleaning routines and rituals to keep it spic and span not just for your family and guests, and also for your own personal satisfaction. But what if we told you that your regular routine is simply not enough?

Don’t hate us; we’re sure you do a great job! But how much ever effort you put to cover all bases, dust and germs are extremely sneaky creatures who find ways to settle in hard-to-reach corners of your home. To help you uncover all these secret hideouts, we have listed the 7 ways in which your regular home cleaning routine might be failing you. Tackle these problem areas, and you will be on your way to a truly sparkling clean home.

Items that are out of sight, out of mind
There are several nooks and crannies in your home which get missed in your regular cleaning routine simply because they are out of sight. The usual culprits include areas behind furniture, AC vents, and the tops of refrigerators, closets and doors. As these spots remain relatively untouched through time, they get severely accumulated with dirt, dust, pet hair, cobwebs, and all sorts of unpleasant gunk.

Items in clear sight, and yet out of mind!
Light switches, appliance controls, refrigerator handles, TV remotes, door knobs- these are some of the most frequently touched areas in your homes. But more often than not, they are skipped as we don’t realize how dirty they are. Most people go months or even years before giving these items a thorough cleaning, making them an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and germs.

Your mattress
You might be having more company than you think when you go to bed at night. Mattresses tend to be infested with dust mites- microscopic spiders that feed on the dead skin cells that you shed everyday. Even if you dust your bed regularly and change the sheets, these creatures thrive in warm, humid climates like ours and make your mattress their home. They can cause allergic reactions, infections, eczema, and wheezing problems. Bed bugs are another common problem. These pests hide deep in your mattress and leave red bites all over your skin.

Your curtains
Believe it or not, your curtains could be harbouring allergens, pet dander and dust mites. These microscopic pollutants tend to last even through a wash. If you don’t seek professional help to get your curtains steam cleaned, they can set off regular attacks of sneezing, asthma and allergies.

Your refrigerator
Most of you make it a point to maintain utmost hygiene in your kitchens, as that is where your food comes from. But sometimes, the place where you store your food the longest is not cleaned enough- the refrigerator. Starting with the insides, small spills or exposed food tend to spoil and harbour huge amounts of dangerous bacteria. Your refrigerator’s condenser coil is another ignored part, which can also lead to inefficient functioning due to the accumulated dust.

Your bathrooms
There are some parts of your bathroom that always get missed like cabinet knobs, toilet handles and faucets. Shower curtains tend to be the dirtiest due to the accumulated grime and soap scum, with a high chance of mould and fungus proliferating in the moisture-ridden environment. Finally, tile grouts pose a huge challenge as regular cleaning agents don’t have the strength to remove hard water and chlorine stains.

Your curtains and sofas
Are you snuggled into your sofa cleaning with your feet resting on your carpet cleaning? Chances are that you are sitting amidst tons of dust, grime and residue that has settled deep into your carpets and sofas. These don’t get out with a regular dusting, and generally requires a hot water extraction and steam cleaning to remove all the junk from the core.

We hope you found this post enlightening in terms of what’s getting missed from your regular cleaning routine. Your everyday cleaning agents, tools, and techniques are not enough to make your home as clean as you would like it to be. To get a truly finished job, you need to treat your homes to a deep cleaning service.

At Mr. Homecare, we offer deep cleaning services that fill up all the gaps of your regular cleaning routine. Click here to read more about what we offer, and call us to gift yourselves the sparkling clean homes you truly deserve!