- 5 pesky AC problems Delhi may face this summer
It is important to pay attention to indications that your AC problems are real, so that you can get it fixed before the problem gets too serious (and expensive to repair!). Lucky for you, we have outlined the 5 most common AC problems you should look out for, along with their possible causes. Trust us, keep your eyes and ears open, and your home will be a chill pad all through the Delhi summer!
Pesky Problem #1: Your AC refuses to come on
This generally means that your thermostat is set improperly or simply isn’t working. If resetting your thermostat to ‘AC’ or ‘cool’ doesn’t do the trick, it may be time to replace your thermostat all together.
It could also be because your AC fuse has tripped, even when everything else in your home is working fine. So you should check your circuit box as well to make sure it’s switched on.
In the worst case scenario, you might be suffering from a burnt out compressor, which could happen due to frequent on-off of the AC, voltage fluctuation or dust contamination. In such a case, your only choice is to replace the equipment altogether.
Pesky Problem #2: Your AC just isn’t cooling like it used to
Not feeling as comfortable as you like? Apart from Delhi summers being ruthless this year, this is also indicative of an airflow problem, which in turn hinders your AC’s cooling capacity. If it’s been a while since you got your filters changed, they may be clogged with dust, dirt, or even pet fur. In short, it’s time to change your filter.
The problem could also be on the outside, where debris or branches may be obstructing the air flow of your condenser. Worse still, there might be a mistake in your unit’s installation, with not enough clearance area left around the unit. You need to ensure there is at least 24 inches on the sides and 5 feet on top of the unit.
If your airflow is all clear, then the problem is mostly likely in your refrigerant, as that is the fluid that helps your AC create cool air. The lines might not be properly insulated with copper sleeves, or in need a re-charge, or suffering from a leakage.
Pesky Problem #3: Your AC is a leaky mess
A leaky AC is generally a sign of the drain line being clogged or disconnected, which causes the water collected from condensation to not flow out effectively and leak from the sides.
Improper AC installation is another common reason for leakage. If the unit is too low at front, then the condensed water leaks from the front rather than dripping from the rear end. Or if it is not properly sealed, warm air from outside gushes inside the unit and causes excess moisture to build up and eventually from the unit.
Pesky Problem #4: Your AC is a loud mouth
If your air conditioner makes strange noises every time it starts up or winds down, this can be nothing more troublesome than a loose screw. Once it’s tightened, the noise will vanish. However, the bad news is that it could be a burnt blower motor or bent fan blade that is causing all the racket.
Pesky Problem #5: Your AC doesn’t know when to stop cooling
The placement of your thermostat determines how long your air conditioner runs, and ultimately, the efficiency of your unit. If the thermostat is in direct sunlight, or near any hot equipment, it may continue running even after your AC has done its job. This not only overworks your unit, but also sends your cooling costs through the roof.
Get your AC the professional help it needs!
We hope you find this guide handy in spotting these pesky problems as they happen. It is important that you call for professional assistance in time, or better still, set up regular servicing checks that prevent such occurrences from cropping up.
We at Mr. Homecare are happy to make your ACs our best friends with our one-time servicing facilities and quarterly servicing packages available in any part of Delhi. Click here to read more about how we can help you stay cool through the unforgivable Delhi summers.
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