- Group of cats and dogs
The truth is that they can also be potential health hazards that could be putting your family at risk of serious illnesses. To help you see how, we’ve made a list of the 6 most common ways in which your pets could be bringing infections into your home in Bangalore. Scroll on to know how to identify and tackle these problems at the earliest, and keep your family fit and fine, including the four-legged members!
Pet Feces
Anyone owning a pet will need to engage with feces at some point or the other. If all traces of it are not cleaned regularly and effectively, it could lead to some serious infections you’d rather not catch.Campylobateriosis is one infection that can be contracted by exposure to feces of an infected animal, most common in puppies and kittens younger than 6 months. People with weak immune systems, young children and the elderly are most at risk, with typical symptoms being diarrhea and fever.
Toxoplasmosis can be contracted by coming into contact with any cat feces, as all felines are carriers of it. Pregnant women should be doubly careful in handling their cat’s litter, as it could cause birth defects in unborn children or even trigger a miscarriage.
Pet Urine
Whenever you get that distinct stench of urine in your home, you know your pet is the guilty one. But did you know about how it could be impacting your respiratory system due to its ammonia content? It can lead to severe burning of the nose, throat, respiratory tract and lungs.While we might wipe it up immediately, it can still find its way deep into furniture, carpets, and bed sheets. That’s why it’s imperative to get rid of every trace of it, also so that your pet doesn’t soil the same spot again. If you or your family members suffer from allergies, asthma, or other conditions like migraines, this should be top priority as they are especially susceptible to the risks associated with ammonia inhalation.
Pet fur and dander
If you are prone to allergies, time to sit up! Pet fur is one of the biggest causes of respiratory allergies and bronchial asthma to act up. But did you know that the even bigger offender is pet dander- the tiny, microscopic, flecks of skin shed by pets of all kinds. Whether short-haired, long-haired, or hairless, all pets shed dander, which easily stick to furniture, bedding, and fabrics in your home due to their minute size and jagged shape.This needs to get taken care of at the root level, as they can lead to upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms including congestion, sneezing, runny nose, chest tightness and wheezing. Other symptoms are itching, watery eyes, and eczema or rashes.
Ticks and Fleas
The most obvious culprits! Pets that spend time in the garden, outside near trees may come back infected with ticks and fleas. Apart from impairing your pet’s health, they can also cause you serious problems.Lyme disease tops the list in that regard- a hard to detect illness that can spread to humans if the ticks bite them. It causes long-term problems, such as irregular heartbeat, arthritis and impaired brain function. Infants, again, are most susceptible to this.
Another thing to watch out for with kids is the chances of them accidentally swallowing a flea, which can pass on dangerous bacteria like tapeworm larvae to the child.
Pet Food
This might come as a surprise to some, but leftover pet food can be a cause of serious health issues. Dry pet food may carry salmonella, a nausea-inducing bacteria that can infect the small intestines.So if it is lying around, there is a chance of children picking it up and nibbling at it, thereby picking up the infection as well. So the next time you see some pet food lying around, get rid of it immediately.
It’s time for a deep clean!
Taking care of these common problems can prevent your beloved pets from becoming a health hazard for your family. You must maintain utmost hygiene at all times, to get rid of all those microscopic germs, allergens and pests that might remain even after your regular cleaning routine.We at Mr. Homecare are equipped with the necessary equipment, products, and know-how to avoid all health problems caused by pets. Click here to read more about how we can help. We’re ready to come to any part of Bangalore to make your home a safe haven for you, your family, and your furry friends!
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