- home cleaning services in bangalore
Don’t hate us; we’re sure you do a great job! But how much ever effort you put to cover all bases, dust and germs are extremely sneaky creatures who find ways to settle in hard-to-reach corners of your home. To help you uncover all these secret hideouts, we have listed the 7 ways in which your regular home cleaning routine might be failing you. Tackle these problem areas, and you will be on your way to a truly sparkling clean home.
Items that are out of sight, out of mind
There are several nooks and crannies which get missed in your regular home cleaning routine simply because they are out of sight. The usual culprits include areas behind furniture, AC vents, and the tops of refrigerators, closets and doors. As these spots remain relatively untouched through time, they get severely accumulated with dirt, dust, pet hair, cobwebs, and all sorts of unpleasant gunk.Items in clear sight, and yet out of mind!
Light switches, appliance controls, refrigerator handles, TV remotes, door knobs- these are some of the most frequently touched areas in your homes. But more often than not, they are skipped as we don’t realize how dirty they are. Most people go months or even years before giving these items a thorough cleaning, making them an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and germs.Your mattress
You might be having more company than you think when you go to bed at night. Mattresses tend to be infested with dust mites- microscopic spiders that feed on the dead skin cells that you shed everyday. Even if you dust your bed regularly and change the sheets, these creatures thrive in warm, humid climates like ours and make your mattress their home. They can cause allergic reactions, infections, eczema, and wheezing problems. Bed bugs are another common problem. These pests hide deep in your mattress and leave red bites all over your skin.Your curtains
Believe it or not, your curtains could be harbouring allergens, pet dander and dust mites. These microscopic pollutants tend to last even through a wash. If you don’t seek professional help to get your curtains steam cleaned, they can set off regular attacks of sneezing, asthma and allergies.Your refrigerator
Most of you make it a point to maintain utmost hygiene in your kitchens, as that is where your food comes from. But sometimes, the place where you store your food the longest is not cleaned enough- the refrigerator. Starting with the insides, small spills or exposed food tend to spoil and harbour huge amounts of dangerous bacteria. Your refrigerator’s condenser coil is another ignored part, which can also lead to inefficient functioning due to the accumulated dust.Your bathrooms
There are some parts of your bathroom that always get missed like cabinet knobs, toilet handles and faucets. Shower curtains tend to be the dirtiest due to the accumulated grime and soap scum, with a high chance of mould and fungus proliferating in the moisture-ridden environment. Finally, tile grouts pose a huge challenge as regular cleaning agents don’t have the strength to remove hard water and chlorine stains.Your curtains and sofas
Are you snuggled into your sofa with your feet resting on your carpet? Chances are that you are sitting amidst tons of dust, grime and residue that has settled deep into your carpets and sofas. These don’t get out with a regular dusting, and generally requires a hot water extraction and steam cleaning to remove all the junk from the core.Time to upgrade your home cleaning routine!
We hope you found this post enlightening in terms of what’s getting missed from your regular cleaning routine. Your everyday cleaning agents, tools, and techniques are not enough to make your home as clean as you would like it to be. To get a truly finished job, you need to treat your homes to a deep cleaning service.At Mr. Homecare, we offer deep cleaning services that fill up all the gaps of your regular home cleaning routine. Click here to read more about what we offer, and why not join our multiple, happy Bangalore patrons and gift yourselves the sparkling clean homes you truly deserve!
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